
Download vmware workstation player
Download vmware workstation player

download vmware workstation player download vmware workstation player

VMware Workstation 12 Player Version 12.5.8.To view release notes for prior releases of VMware Workstation 12 Player, click the following links: Prior Releasesįeatures and Known Issues from prior releases of VMware Workstation Player are described in the release notes for each release. VMware Workstation Player provides a simple user interface, unmatched operating system support, and portability.įor more information, go to the VMware Workstation Player Docs website. VMware Workstation Player (formerly known as Player Pro) is a streamlined desktop virtualization application that runs one or more operating systems on the same computer without rebooting. The release notes cover the following topics: VMware Workstation 12 Player Version 12.5.9 | | Build 7535481Ĭheck for additions and updates to these release notes.

Download vmware workstation player