
How to run microsoft silverlight on mac
How to run microsoft silverlight on mac

how to run microsoft silverlight on mac how to run microsoft silverlight on mac

Intego VirusBarrier with up-to-date malware definitions protects Mac users against the Microsoft Silverlight exploit, detected as W32/CVE-2016-0034. The update to Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 addresses this vulnerability by correcting how Microsoft Silverlight validates decoder results. Microsoft confirmed the zero-day (CVE-2016-0034) and issued a patch on January 12, 2016. And to exploit the vulnerability, “an attacker could host a website that contains a specially crafted Silverlight application, and then convince a user to visit the compromised website,” often by enticing them to click a link in an email or instant message.Įxploit kits are typically based on a “drive-by download attack” delivery technique, and installation can start silently in the background simply by visiting a website.

how to run microsoft silverlight on mac

The remote code execution vulnerability exists when Microsoft Silverlight 5 (before 2.0) “decodes strings using a malicious decoder that can return negative offsets that cause Silverlight to replace unsafe object headers with contents provided by an attacker,” according to the Microsoft security team. The vulnerability that is being exploited is described as follows:ĬVE-2016-0034 : Microsoft Silverlight 5 before 2.0 mishandles negative offsets during decoding, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (object-header corruption) via a crafted web site, aka “Silverlight Runtime Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.” This update detects the minimum bundle version for Silverlight, protecting Mac users from Microsoft Silverlight 5 before version 2.0. Malware + Security News Apple Updates XProtect to Detect Microsoft Silverlight Exploitįollowing the discovery of a Microsoft Silverlight exploit, Apple has updated its ist malware definitions file to version 2073.

How to run microsoft silverlight on mac